Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

:: Graduate moment::

dear readers i would like to share my experience. when i was graduated my high school. emm its make me tears guys :') i had a lot of friends who can understand me and be my ever best friends :) hope i will have it in my whole life . this is my picts with my ever best friends.
our togetherness will never ends :')

laki-laki ini akan banyak muncul dengan wanita-wanitanya hahha

thunk2 and kachang they're both are nice gulrs

freedom !!

choose one face that make you laugh !!
again and again :D
see ?? when we want to break up, we get closer than before :(

bunda & kachang. love you guys :*

i was very angry when rico spotted my uniform with a jerk pict :-/

it prove hha ? he come up with another girl. ckckck

behind them, there was my poor friends :'( she was failed in national exam.

from right to left, they are : candra aka. macan, ega aka. mr. ustadz, anis aka. onceng, dami aka. damen, vira aka. obel, indah aka. cilik/sule/itoel, lia aka. link2

inilah nomer berikutnya untuk playboy di kelas saya :D

he again !!
never ever forget our togetherness pals !! MISS U YOU ALL <3
and follow this blog to thank you !! :)

2 komentar:

  1. hayoo..para adik kelasku..
    jangan nakal..

    pake acara coret2 baju sekolah..!!

    jadi kangen ya, waktu seperti ini??

    eh ncut, follow my blogg donk..kan aku udah..kok bloggku gk di-follow c??


  2. hahah km pasti juga kangen pisan bang ?! :p

    uda ak follow kok mosok gak onok si ?
    oke2 akan saya follow ;)
